Sonntag, 30. November 2014

Painters meetup

Nach einem Jahr Pause haben wir es heute endlich mal wieder geschafft bei Heiko zu malen. Hat wirklich Spaß gemacht. Danke Jungs.
After a break of one year we finally managed to paint again at Heiko's place. It was really a lot of fun. Thank you guys.

Samstag, 29. November 2014

final reminder

Nur noch ein Tag - jetzt müsst Ihr Euch beeilen.
Only one day left - now you have to hurry.

Freitag, 28. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #11

Morgen wird Figur Nummer eins endlich fertig.
Tomorrow I will finally finish figure number one.

Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

contest reminder

Jetzt müsst Ihr Euch wirklich beeilen, denn es ist nur noch drei Tage Zeit.
Now you really have to hurry, because there are only three days left to enter.

Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

picture time november 2014 #5

Hier ein Bild aufgenommen hoch über Hamburg.
Today I have a picture from above Hamburg.

Dienstag, 25. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #10

Und wieder ist ein Wenig passiert. Jetzt bin ich mit der Hose zufrieden. Ich habe nun alle Lederteile grundiert.
Again I managed to finish a part. Meanwhile I like the trouser. All leather parts have been painted in the basic tone.

Montag, 24. November 2014

commercial time

 Hey Leute, eigenlich mache ich ja wenig Werbung, ich habe einen tollen Kickstarter entdeckt, den ich Euch vorstellen will. Wir planen auch in Zukunft, dass ich Euch mal eine Figur der Firma Norsegard vorstellen kann, also Augen auf. Wenn die Figuren Euch gefallen, solltet Ihr bald mitmachen, denn der Kickstarter endet bald.
Hey folks, normally I don't do commercials that often, but I have a cool kickstarter to show you. In the future I plan to collaborate a bit with Norsegard, so stay tuned.If you like the figures you should be quick with pledging

Sonntag, 23. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #9

Weiter geht es. Noch bin ich mit der Hose aber nicht zufrieden, hier muss noch einiges passieren.
Some progress. As I'm not happy about the trouser right now, there is still much to do.

Samstag, 22. November 2014

contest reminder

Langsam nähern wir uns der heißen Phase - also malt weiter!
Slowly we reach the end-phase - so keep on painting.

Freitag, 21. November 2014

picture time november 2014 #4

Gut versteckt zeigen sich diese Pilze auf dem Waldboden.
Hidden quite good it is hard to see the mushrooms in the forest.

Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #8

Gestern waren wir beim Tätowierer. Das Ergebnis gefällt mir soweit ganz gut. Morgen fange ich dann mit den Stoffteilen an.
Yesterday we visited a tattoo-store. I like the result a lot. Tomorrow I will start with the clothes.

Mittwoch, 19. November 2014

contest reminder

Noch ein halber Monat - also ran an die Pinsel!
Only half a month remaining - hurry to the brushes!

Dienstag, 18. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #7

Fertig ist die Haut - nun kommen noch einige Tattoos auf den Oberkörper.
The skin is finished - now I will add some tattoos to the torso.

Montag, 17. November 2014


Heute gibt es ein Bild von ein paar Büchern - das Thema Necromunda wird mich in den nächsten Projekten etwas beschäftigen, denn ein paar Freunde und ich haben geplant mit der Fanversion Inquisimunda zu starten. Allerdings geht es weniger ums Spielen, als darum top bemalte Gangs zu kreieren. Also haltet die Augen auf für weitere Fortschritte.
Today I show you a picture of some books - the theme Necromunda will keep me busy for the next few projects, because some friends of mine and myself plan to start with the fanversion Inquisimunda. Gaming won't be our biggest focus, but creating and painting those top-notch gangs. So stay tuned for some progress.

Sonntag, 16. November 2014

picture time november 2014 #3

Heute habe ich wieder ein schönes Bild für Euch. Diesmal habe ich es nur bearbeitet. Aufgenommen hat es meine Frau.
Today I have a nice picture for you again. This time I just photoshoped it a bit. It was shot by my wife.

Samstag, 15. November 2014

contest reminder

Inzwischen lohnt es sich richtig teilzunehmen, denn einige Preise sind schon beisammen. Also macht mit!
Meanwhile taking part is really paying off, because the prize-pool is growing. So take part!

Freitag, 14. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #6

Heute geht es mit einem Bild der ersten Figur weiter. Ich habe mit der Haut angefangen.
Today some progress on the figure I just started. I begun with the skin.

Donnerstag, 13. November 2014

contest reminder

Wie weit bist Du? Ich hoffe Du schaffst es rechtzeitig!
How far are you? I hope you will finish your project in time!

Mittwoch, 12. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #5

Nun ist zumindest das Base fertig. Es fehlen noch zwei Figuren.
The base is finished now. I still have to paint two figures.

Dienstag, 11. November 2014


Hey Leute, heut zeige ich Euch mein Zwischenprojekt für einen Freund. Dieser Darksword-Killer wurde im Stil des Spiels Assassin's Creed bemalt.
Hey folks, today I show you my intermediate-project for a friend. This Darksword-killer was painted in the style of the game Assassin's Creed.

Montag, 10. November 2014

contest reminder


Langsam trudeln hier schon einige schöne Sachen ein. Ich hoffe, Ihr macht auch noch mit?!
Slowly some nice entries are filling my mailbox. I hope you will take part as well!?

Sonntag, 9. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #4

Heute habe ich nun endlich die Figuren für meine Vignette grundiert.
Today I finally primed the figures for my little vignette.

Samstag, 8. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #3

Heute gibt es das letzte Bild des unfertigen Bases. Morgen werde ich wohl fertig werden.
Today I show you the last picture of the unfinished base. Tomorrow I will finish it probably.

Freitag, 7. November 2014

picture time november 2014 #2

Ich hatte ja neulich bereits gesagt, dass ich ein paar Bilder stark bearbeitet habe. Hier ist nun das zweite.
As I told you a few days before I photoshopped some pictures quite heavy. Now here is the second one.

Donnerstag, 6. November 2014

contest reminder

Und wieder haben mich einige tolle Beiträge erreicht - ist Deiner schon dabei?
And again some nice entries reached me - did I already receive yours?

Mittwoch, 5. November 2014

interview time november 2014 #1

Heute beginne ich mit einer neuen Serie, die ich interview time nenne. Diese Kategorie wird überwiegend englische Interviews mit bekannten Malern beinhalten. Ich habe mir Mühe gegeben, nicht nur die Standardfragen zu stellen. Den Anfang macht Rafael Garciá Marín, besser bekannt als Volomir - er betreibt den tollen Blog
Today I start with a new series I called interview time. This category will consist of mainly english interviews with well known painters. I did my best not only to ask the same old questions. I will start with Rafael Garciá Marín, better known as Volomir - he is running the well known blog

First question. Is painting miniatures art and why or why not?

Well, that depends quite a lot on what the purpose is, in my opinion. Also on what we understand by art. It is a very tough subject to discuss about really, and everyone will have their own opinion. There are many people that say miniature painting is an art trying to make the activity more valuable, others say it isn't trying to make it less valuable. To me, being an art or not depends on the intention of the creator. If I paint miniatures just as a means of colouring toy soldiers, for gaming purposes, or just because they are cool, then that is not art for me. If I paint miniatures and I'm looking for something else, if I'm trying to tell a story with the miniature, try to provoke some sensation on the spectator, a feeling... then that is art to me. The line between them is quite thin, since one could consider that making a miniature cool is trying to create a sensation of coolness to the spectator. Well, then I would say we are making art, yeah. But in the end it doesn't really matter. Call it art or not, it's just a tag. What we do is something beautiful which fills the hearts of many people and for them life would not be as cool without it. That for me is saying much more than the word 'art'.

If you visit your family/friends how do they react if you tell them you are painting "toysoldiers".

For a long time, when I started painting quite seriously, my friends and family had a hard time accepting that I painted for many hours and that I sometimes stopped going out to prepare for a contest. Time passed and then they saw the results of my work. They saw me progressing, they saw me getting better, and having higher objectives, and then they understood that I was doing something that I really loved and cared for. From that point on, all of my friends and family not only respect my hobby, but also encourage it, and many are also interested in the outcome of my activity, they follow me or ask me how I'm doing. It took some time, that's true, but when people around you support you, everything is much better. I would have probably continued even if they didn't support me actually. I would have found new friends then! What good is a friend if it does not support you? 

Is the hobby still fun when you paint on a professional level?

I think it is still fun, but probably not as much. When it is something you have to do under obligation, then you feel the lack of freedom. Working is great when you want to work, but when you have to do it even if you don't feel like it, then it is not fun. That is probably one of the most important reasons that prevent me from becoming a fully professional miniature painter. 

What do you dislike about the painting community?

There's not much I dislike about the painting community. I love it very much actually, and I try always to be part of it. I think I've done a good job in that aspect, trying to keep in touch with many people all around the globe. There's so many good friends that I made while painting minis. If I had to say something that I would like to see in the community is probably more desire to compete. I love game and I love competition, and painting contests are very fun for me. With the recent downfall of competition formats like Golden Demon, the community is shifting heavily to miniature events in Open format. Those are nice of course, but not so competitive, because everyone is a winner in one way or another. I really like the thrill of winning and also the desire of improvement that you get when you don't win. Open formats contests are more of an exam to me. I like the game of winning and losing like you have in Golden Demon, and I would really like the community to demand more contests in this format. As you can see, it's not such a bad thing to point out from the community, right? I really love it very much!

What do you like about the painting community?

I think that my previous answer will probably give you an idea of what I love about it. Everything else! To me, the feeling of sharing the passion we all have, improving together, getting advice constantly, meeting and having fun, competing and admiring the work of others, encouraging and being encouraged, appreciating... everything you do in community is much better than what you do alone. I am a big fan of painting miniatures in group for example, its much more fun to me than doing it alone, and whenever I can, I try to organize gatherings like that. I am a very social painter and I really like community. Painting miniatures would not be as cool to me without it!

  Thank you very much! 

Dienstag, 4. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #2

Langsam nähert sich das Base der Vollendung. Ich bin guter Dinge, morgen zumindest die Vorderseite fertig zu bekommen.
Slowly I reach the end-phase of the base and think I will be able to finish the frontside of the base by tomorrow.

Montag, 3. November 2014

picture time november 2014 #1

Ich habe in letzter Zeit einige Bilder etwas stilisiert. Mir zumindest gefällt es.
In the last couple of days I stylised some pictures of me. I like the result.

Sonntag, 2. November 2014

fresh from the workbench november 2014 #1

Leider ist nicht so viel passiert wie ich wollte. Nur der Boden wurde bemalt, aber vielleicht mache ich nachher noch etwas. Außerdem habe ich etwas an einer Figur für einen Freund gemalt. Ich wollte bei dem weißen Stoff eine baumwollstruktur hinbekommen. Das gefällt mir eigentlich ganz gut.
Sadly I didn't manage to finish as much as I wanted. Only the floor has been painted, but maybe I will paint a bit later. More than that I started a figure for a friend. I wanted to achieve a woolen look for the white cloth. I quite like the result.

Samstag, 1. November 2014

commercial time

Ein wenig Zeit habt Ihr noch - allerdings müsst Ihr Euch langsam ranhalten.
There is still a little time - but slowly you have to hurry.