Samstag, 22. Dezember 2018

Freitag, 30. November 2018


At the moment I am back into Lotr... don‘t ask me why...😂 I pimped the bow of an old Legolas I already started years ago. 

Dienstag, 20. November 2018


In the last couple of days I started sculpting a new bust. Not perfect, but I look forward to paint it! 

Freitag, 9. November 2018

Review Time

Review time! Many painters I know are afraid of painting busts due to the hogher price and the sorrow to ruin the bust. If you want to have a cheap start I highly recommend Norba Miniatures. They make lot of lookalike figures from a large english company, but they sell some really good busts as well. They have 3 busts and I tried two if them. The casting is good but needs some cleaning, but for the extraordinary price of 10€ you can be totally happy! Highly recommended!

Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2018

Winter is coming

Es wird kalt. Kalte Zeit - Tee und Mal-Zeit: Jetzt wird wieder mehr gemalt. Der Blog wird jetzt auch wieder mehr mit Leben gefüllt.

It is getting colder. Cold time, painting time: time to paint more. The blog will be used more starting from now.

Freitag, 5. Oktober 2018

Cap again

Wenn man die fixe Idee hat TM gegen NMM zu tauschen...

When you got the dtupid idea to change from tm to nmm...

Donnerstag, 27. September 2018

Nurgle Knight

Rotten Factory. Mein Geheimtipp! Tolle Figuren, einfach ein Spass zu malen!

Rotten Factory. My advice of the werk! Great figures - a real joy to paint!

Donnerstag, 30. August 2018

Gang done

Die Gang für meine Freunde von Hungry Troll ist fertig. Ein echter Spass!

The gang for my friends from spain from Hungry Troll is done. A pure pleasure!

Mittwoch, 29. August 2018


Heute musste ich mein Abendessen mal ablichten.

Had to take a pic of my dinner. 

Donnerstag, 9. August 2018

Cool Kickstarter

Ein Freund von mir macht eine tolle Kampagne. Ich find die Figuren super!

A friend of mine is running a great campaign. I like the figures a lot!

rotten circus

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2018

Gangers ins progress

Ich habe einen Auftrag für Hungry Troll begonnen. Tolle Figuren! 

Started a comission job for Hungry Troll.
Such a beautifull range! 

Montag, 9. Juli 2018

Picture Time

Langsam ist wieder alles normal. Das Bloggeschäfft wird daher jetzt wieder verstärkt starten. Heute mit einem Bild.

Slowly everything is normal again. The blogbusiness will start again with some force. Today I start with a picture.

Montag, 25. Juni 2018

Freitag, 25. Mai 2018

Closed for moving

Sorry for the postless time at the moment.... I just finished my work at my new house. Now one week of moving. Two weeks before everything is more or less normal.

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2018


Hey Leute. Derzeit bin ich sehr mit meinem Haus beschäftigt und habe nur drei neue Deutsche geschafft...

Hey folks. At the moment I am really busy with the building of my house. I only managed to paint three more germans for my army...

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2018

Mittwoch, 11. April 2018

Nurgle warrior

Weiter geht es mit der tollen Figur von rotten factory.

Progressing with the great figure from rotten factory.

Dienstag, 10. April 2018

Samurai done

Das letzte Projekt für den HvB ist fertig.

My last project for the duke is done.

Freitag, 6. April 2018

Iron Golem Halflings

Small – smaller – Halflings

Today I present you another review: an Iron Golems Halfling Team for Blood Bowl.
I received four players I want to show you today.

Iron Golems is a small company from Valencia, Spain, run by Lucas and Ricardo. As both are players as well, they dedicate their time to create high quality miniatures and products for their favorite game - Bloodbowl. Until now they offer a human team, elves and dwarfes plus some star players. The next big thing is rather small: Halflings.

If you compare the designs to the Halflings from big G they look more realistic and somehow more „dirty“ – in a positive way. If Halflings have allways been a fun team (or army in Warhammer). But these fellows look badass.

The miniatures are produced in high quality resin. I guess it is nearly impossible to cast these in metal, due to the details. The quality of the production miniatures is perfect. All details are smooth and even the smallest parts are awesome casted, for e.g. spikes.
The only drop of bitterness is the fishskin. It is not too much but enough to mean a little bit of cleaning work.

The figures are designed totally cool: They look modern and violent but without loosing the humor Halflings need. Forks and Bowls are typical kitchen-elements found on this little guys.

I am unsure if the design of the spikes and other small breakable elements will work on hard used resin gaming figures, because resin breaks so easy.
The spikes are the finest and sharpest spikes I have seen till now on resin figures, even on display figures in larger scales and it looks so amazing.

The figures came with bases in the 2017 edition base size – in my opinion a bit large for these little figures, but that might be a question of taste.
Iron Golems send me some skill markers for the bases as well. A realy nice idea. Until now the easiest way I have seen to apply the skill color to a base. They fit really perfect to the bases.


Iron Golems brought us a fantastic new line of figures presenting one oft he most iconic Fantasy-Football-teams. They will be a joy to paint and an eyecatcher on every field.
+ great cast
+ only some cleaning, no glueing
+ fantastic designs
- fragile spikes – lifespan on the field unknown

Donnerstag, 29. März 2018

Samstag, 24. März 2018

Terrain again

Ich liebe ja günstige Fahrzeuge für meinen Tisch. Diesmal eine Raupe für 2,50€ mit alten GW Ketten verfeinert.

I love cheap vehicles for my gaming table. This time a caterpillar for 2,50€ improved with old GW tracks.

Freitag, 23. März 2018

Harley in progress

Langsam nähert sich auch dieses Projekt der Vollendung.

Slowly this project is coming to its final stages.

Dienstag, 13. März 2018

Review time - rotten factory

Today I want to show you something really cool – compatible to many fantasy games eg. AOS or Frostgrave: The stunning figures from rotten factory ( The forces of chaos are really iconic, but my favorite god always was the master of decay. Rotten factory brings us a great range of mutated chaos warriors presenting the foulness and decay in a most positive way. 

First things first: I have to say that I have a little fetish for nice packaging – especially if it is connected to the stuff inside. Rotten factory delivers their stuff in a paperbox printed with their logo – really nice. Inside the box were three figures I show you today: Koliath the Conqueror, Hrumm and a Demon Minion.

The figures are made of a light grey resin. The resin looks quite durable. The quality of the cast is really fine. Only a small amount of fishskin and no airbubbles occure. The seams are minimal, so you don’t need much time if you start to paint them. 

Concerning the design the figures are really fresh. All of them are designed and sculpted by talented Paweł Jakub Górecki. One of his specialties seems to be fur, as this is really well made and very fine detailed. The figures have classic elements and some more modern design features. They look a bit more adult then the figures from '"big G" but not as explicit as for example some helldorado designs. I like especially the figures that modernize the classic 80s look. Hrumm is great example how classic designs can be transformed to a modern level – well done rotten factory. 

Another important fact is always the pricing. Rotten factory is a true winner in this category. The price is really fair. For under 10€ you get an extraordinary casted piece of resin – other companies in this level charge much more. Shipping is fair as well.


Rotten factory is offering the chance to create a unique army for most fantasy skirmishers out there. The figures will make a great addition to every large army with a chaos and especially decay theme. The pricing is fair and the quality magnificent. The only small minus is that they don’t come with a base – but I guess all of you will have enough bases to solve this problem. I really reccomend taking a closer look at their range at

+great designs
+fantastic quality
+fair price
-no gaming bases included